W5 Case Management - Cumulative Change Log

W5 Case Management - Cumulative Change Log

Most recent releases are listed first.

See the New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes here:    Changes included in W5 Case version

See the New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes here:   Changes included in W5 Case version

See the New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes here:   Changes included in W5 Case version


 - Action Trigger - add event to capture when the Service Method is changed
 - Action Trigger - Export Document responses - allow the exported document name to consist of just the Prefix and Suffix values
 - Block Booking Enhancements

  • Booking Calendar
    • Set the filter operator default value to "contains" for provider, location and specialty grids.
    • Add claimant name and service description on the file panel
    • Show service and claimant name on appointment block
  • Provider Schedule
    • Change block maintenance form title to "Provider Block Maintenance"
    • Include appointments without blocks attached
  • Use different color to distinguish appointments with or without blocks

 - Document Storage - Add support for local paths to be specified directly within the Document Store instead of in the Config file

 - Enhanced Templates - allow DOC (Word 97-2003) documents to be used as Enhanced Templates

 - File System Monitor Service - for watching folders/FTP sites and copying/moving files to another folder/FTP site

 - QB Accounting Export - Allow A/P Bill reference format to be augmented when exported to QB

 - Workflow Monitor Enhancements

  • Speed optimizations mean that the data will load up to 2x faster and the form will appear before all of the data loads, so that W5 does not appear frozen
  • Prepaid Charges has now been moved to its own form and is accessible under the Accounting tab > Prepaid Charges
  • Quick access to view only the Rush or Overdue items by clicking on the corresponding count
  • Added an easy-to-access "Action" button on each workflow row that allows for access to some common functions
  • Added the ability to filter multiple Offices at a time

Fixed Bugs

 - Appointment - Ancillary Scheduled Items not listed on the Provider Information panel on the appointment form when items added from action trigger
 - Block Booking - Adding or updating Ancillary scheduled items from the Service File will detach vendor blocks from the appointment
 - Booking Calendar - showing unclear error when a Case File # is entered instead of a Service File #
 - Email Queue - when an error occurs when saving the sent email into W5, the email is sent again in 30 minutes even though it has already been sent
 - Vendor Simple Search - is not showing locations that are set to be available for ALL providers


 - Action Trigger - Register Provider Bill events for Add, Change, and Delete
 - Action Trigger - Response to set Primary Workflow Due Date
 - Background Service - add the ability to provide a custom Queue Get Work procedure
 - Background Service - Queue - allow for multiple/specific service instances to handle queue items
 - Block Booking - Block maintenance and Scheduling
 - Charge Maintenance - with WIP queue billing turned on, do not require an explanation on unit/rate override

 - Enhanced W5 install experience

 - HCAI - Update to communicate over TLS v1.2
 - Open Service List - improve performance
 - Require Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 (Windows Vista, Windows 10 1507, Windows 10 1511, and Windows Server 2008 are all no longer supported)
 - Two-Factor Authentication using Authy
 - Voucher Report - add Units and Rate columns
 - Web API - Case retrieval - add Primary Specialty property on the Provider
 - Web API - Case retrieval - also return the Record Actions located on the Case and Service Files

Fixed Bugs

 - A/P Bill export to QB is incorrectly setting the taxable code on the bill item to the tax code from the bill rather than to the tax code from the actual charge
 - A/P Vendor Billing - pushing through too many bills in a day for a vendor, causes "A/P Reference already exists" error
 - A/R Collection - "Query timeout expired" exception with large quantity of data
 - Batch Document Printing - Audit date is being stored incorrectly
 - Case - Notes - showing only the first number of characters of the email body is causing unicode errors in some cases
 - Document Maintenance - Doesn't launch printing under some scenarios
 - Documents - when downloading a document added prior to version sometimes it appears to be corrupted
 - Form Maintenance - Exception when loading form
 - Notes - Users cannot update the date added field even with the appropriate site config set
 - Vendor Calendar - Extremely long time to load the form when scheduling an appointment and OutOfMemoryException occurs sometime
 - Web - Service code not staying synchronized with the Service file Service code
 - Web API - Report Due Date / Lock is not populated properly for service files
 - Workflow on File form - Actions tab is not sized wide enough in high DPI Pre-Windows 10 scenarios


 - A/R Collections list - show Contact, Invoice Type, and Venue
 - A/R Collection Form - Add a New Payment button
 - Billing Wizard / Service Transactions - enable even when Billing Queue is enabled
 - Case - add shortcuts to add a new A/P Payment and add a new A/P Bill
 - Case - Notes - Keep the group by columns shown in the grid
 - Client - Diary List - add filtering options to show/hide cancelled and completed entries
 - Custom Reports (Web) - ability to run custom reports from the W5 web pages
 - Document Printing Enhancements - allow for batch printing; default number of copies
 - Enhanced Auditing System
 - Notes - Detailed View - needs to pay attention to the Notes filter on the grid and the checked Notes Options
 - Vendor Maintenance - Add Action menu items to Add a new A/P Payment and Add a new A/P Bill
 - Web API - add User Email to the /Me API call
 - Web API - User Forgot Password - Reset Password Request functionality

Fixed Bugs

 - A/P Accounting Export - Exporting tax when no tax was entered
 - A/P Maintenance - Saving an existing Transaction where the Txn Office doesn't match the Session Office overwrites the Txn Office
 - Assignment (Web) - showing a single appointment multiple times
 - Case - Treatments in Dispute - After record is added, the Date decreases by one day
 - Case Maintenance - Backgroundworker busy exception when switching between Case and Service file
 - Charge Maintenance - Changing activity can cause "Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types" exception when saving
 - Charge Maintenance - clearing out the rate causes an unhandled exception
 - Charge Maintenance - Error when closing form if rate was not looked up and form not saved
 - Charge Maintenance - Unhandled exception when entering a provider with no file number entered
 - Document Set - When editing the document detail definition the user can hit Ctrl+S even though the command bar is hidden
 - Email - Reply All does not include all To / CC recipients
 - Grid Export - Null object referencing exception when exporting to CSV or text file
 - Grid Export to Excel - Some Date and Numeric columns do not export on excel export
 - Health Care Practitioners - Conversion failed exception when trying to remove record
 - Lists are not resizing all columns automatically as expected
 - Provider Rates - Rates are being removed when Services are changed
 - Question Filter Maintenance - Question Filter Test throws error "Value cannot be null"
 - Report Due Date Changed Action Trigger - Trigger not fire when using new Report Date Functionality
 - Send SecureDocs Message - Getting an "unable to download document" error whenever sending a SecureDocs message
 - Workflow on File form - After transitioning a workflow, the appointment time shown on the form is changing, even though the appointment has not changed



 - Action Trigger - add Insert, Update, and Delete actions on Ancillary Scheduled Items
 - Background Service - ability to run a custom report and export the results into an Enhanced Template and save as a Document, as a File on the server, or Email it
 - Background Service - also allow for reports that are executed to be delivered to an email address
 - Case Maintenance - Notes - Any notes that are not shown on the Web Portal and/or do not have a Private/Public concept, show "N/A" in the private column
 - Charge Maintenance - Allow the user to select any file within the Case
 - Client - Diary List - add File # and Claimant name columns
 - Client on File - add Fax column to the Contact list when searching for a Contact to add
 - Custom Reports - DOCX Templates are now more flexible allowing NEXT fields and TableStart/TableEnd fields
 - Document Storage - Add support for Azure Storage Account - Shared Access Signatures

 - Email on File - Allow for drag/drop of Emails from Outlook and other Email clients
 - Name Search - add Date of Birth criteria
 - New Referral (Web) - default Contact Type on Contact to the value on the Contact itself
 - Services List - show appointment time as well as date
 - Spreadsheet Import - import files from a folder on the W5 Server
 - Vendor Maintenance - Documents/Notes List - Show Last Updated date column
 - W5 - allow W5 to fail-over to a secondary/backup database when the primary database cannot be reached
 - Web API - Ability to add Questions at the Service level; adjust Question Filter to accept Service
 - Web API - Improve Document Upload Error Handling
 - Workflow Monitor - allow for Appointment Date, Time and Status to be shown and hidden individually

Fixed Bugs

 - Action Trigger - when a new appointment is created and the previous appointment was "Unable to Perform", it was not considering it a reschedule
 - Appointment Reschedule - not recalculating Report Due Date and Deadline Date
 - Case Maintenance - Slow to load
 - Charge Maintenance - Able to change file number on existing charge
 - Charges created from Workflow, do not record the Fee Schedule used to rate the client amount
 - Claim Number Search - does not find the case when extra spaces lead or trail the claim number
 - Custom Reports - When running a report attached to an enhanced template and no results are returned, error: There is no row at position 0
 - Document - when sending the document via e-fax with a Snippet, subject does not get filled in from the Snippet
 - Document Download (Web) - when using Chrome and clicking the "Open" link on an RTF document, the browser shows the RTF contents instead of downloading the document
 - Multi-Document Download - Select link for Snippets is hidden when "Tahoma" font is selected
 - New Case (Web) - "C" client type set as default on the Referral client which will cause "Client Type not valid" error if "C" type does not exist
 - Vendor/Client/Client Contact Note -  Last updated date not changed when updating
 - Web - Case Review - New button does not show if the user only has View and Add access for Referral Intake
 - Web - Errors not returned to the user under some circumstances
 - Web - List Referrals, List Assignments grids do not show results in Chrome 62
 - Web API - Document Upload fails
 - Web API - Documents not deleted when binary upload fails.  Underlying exception: 'Specified cast is not valid.'
 - Web API - Get Case with Service Files of a Case with no services returns all case files with no services as services
 - Workflow - Create Charge sub-action - under some scenarios produces an error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column W5RF_Charge_Source
 - Workflow - when a Create Document sub-action is defined with a Document Class (under Standard), error: String or binary data would be truncated through


 - Action Trigger - Add a File Open/Closed filter on all Move Workflow responses

 - Action Trigger - Create Workflow - add option to add workflow to all Other Open Service files

 - Action Trigger - Response to Set the Billing Status

 - Action Trigger - Send Email actions - add ability to set the email that is attached to the file as Private

 - Activity Code - add Billable On Demand flag to allow for certain activities to be billed out of cycle

 - Billing Queue feature to find and bill files that are ready to be billed
 - Billing Wizard / Service Transactions - optionally disable these features, relying entirely on the Billing Queue instead
 - Billing - Need a higher precision Bill Percent to allow for more accurate splits, especially when calculating tax

 - Case - add Billing Cycle indicator to the Service file to indicate how often the file should be billed
 - Case - add Billing Status flag to Service file to indicate when the file is ready for billing
 - Document Set - Add sequencing that only affects the sequence of the Documents as they are shown in the Document Set selection window
 - Email Account - increase security around the setting of passwords

 - Logout (Web) - By default, immediately log out instead of prompting the user
 - Multi-Document Upload - allow for Private flag to be set per document or en masse
 - New Case (Web) - allow for the client type set on the Referral client to be configurable
 - New Case - Allow for all Clients to be listed instead of requiring a specific Client Type from the Case Configuration
 - Open Services List - Ability to default the From Date and Open Files Only criteria values
 - Provider - add Board Certified flag and Expiry date under Profession Jurisdiction
 - Provider Search - Show column listing all Specialties
 - QB Accounting Integration - modify sales tax setting, postable status and vendor data export
 - Server Admin - increase security around the setting of passwords
 - Vendor Bill - Allow to set unbilled charges to unbillable
 - Vendor Simple Search - add Vendor Name search capability
 - Web API - Secure User credentials for public-facing web APIs

 - WIP/Billing Queue feature to track all outstanding WIP

Fixed Bugs

 - Address Formatting - causes loading large lists of records to work quite slowly
 - AR Collection Notes Report - XML parsing error when passed xml string overflows the size specified
 - Assignments (Web) - performance issues when loading referral

 - Case - Action menu > New Email and New Note intermittently causes multiple new windows to appear
 - Case - Services List - Workflow column sizes are hiding the workflow names

 - Case - When only Admin Cancelled appointments exist on a Service File, error: There is no row at position 0
 - Case Entry (Web) - Generate duplicate cases by double clicking save button
 - Client Maintenance - Transaction List is slow or causes an error when loading thousands of transactions
 - Contact Maintenance - Clicking to add a new Note launches two Contact Note maintenance forms
 - CreditTerms macro in invoice template causes timeout
 - Document - Upon closing the form while the document is open in Word, regardless of the response of the user, the form closes
 - Document Download - Downloading uncompressed documents on self-hosted W5 server potentially results in a corrupted document
 - Email - when sending an Email From W5 (using SMTP), getting bounce back message indicating: Your message contains invalid characters (bare line feed characters)

 - Login - Auto-Action without username and password fails with Column [W5RF_LoginDate or utc_W5RF_LoginDate] does not exist in Data Table.
 - Macros - Tax1Total, Tax2Total, Tax3Total, PreTaxTotal, TaxTotal incorrect when used with subscription invoices
 - Multi-Document Upload - allowing characters that would generally be disallowed from document names, causing documents to be unreadable upon download
 - Open Services List - Upon clearing of the From Date, it appears to the user that W5 is frozen from that point forward
 - Provider Notes - Timeout when adding or deleting notes
 - Provider Search - Open Files column never shows in Beta/Combined mode
 - Vendor Calendar - Changing Show All Service Locations results with a lot of Providers selected is slow and causes many database calls
 - Web - After login, dates/times appear to be wrong

 - Workflow Monitor - Error in notification area: Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row
 - Workflow Monitor - extremely slow to load when using File-level Role assignment
 - Workflow Monitor - Index was out of range error when there are no roles defined in URS
 - Workflow Monitor - Step on the navigation tree not showing proper color for some overdue workflows when refreshing


 - Appointment - Always exclude Admin Cancelled appointments when showing the current appointment
 - Case - Service File - Show Provider primary specialty and profession in Provider list
 - Document Maintenance - allow the Template list to be searchable via auto-suggest
 - Document Maintenance / Multi-Document Download - Add Snippets menu to the eFax option
 - Provider Search - On Paper Review service files, disable the Combined mode search since Locations are not required
 - Provider Search - Reduce column jitter when loading results
 - Provider Search - add Scheduling Notes to the regular Provider Search results
 - Report Requirements - allow for one date to be calculated while the other is left empty
 - Workflow Monitor - need to be able to filter by Marketer Role to see how many cases are at each step for a particular user
 - Workflow Monitor - workflow counts need to reflect the current active filters

Fixed Bugs

 - List Assignments (Web) - Includes cancelled appointments that are not the latest appointment even when they're supposed to be hidden
 - Override Report Due Date or Deadline Date Action Response - able to override deadline date when file is set to multi
 - Provider Search - Combined Search Grid Export Doesn't work
 - Provider Search - Combined Search mode with Provider/Location Pre-Select Mode doesn't enable Set Appointment after search
 - Provider Search - Improve Performance of Search when returning a large number of results in Set Appointment Mode
 - Provider Search - Provider Tag box shows scrollbar unnecessarily for 2 lines of tags
 - Set User Defined Status Action Response - Use the changed status value as previous status to fire user defined status set action trigger


 - Billing - Store Tax Jurisdiction tax rates within Invoice; use stored tax rate for rates used in QuickBooks export
 - Case Maintenance - show postable information for A/R or A/P transactions on Accounting Tab
 - Enhanced Macros - Need macro to output At-Work or In-Home Assessment Service Location address
 - Notes - allow for notes to be transferred to any other file
 - OCF-21 - Allow invoice cancellation if the OCF-21 is pending, voided, or declined (accomplished via regular Cancel Invoice process)
 - Open Services List - also show Billing Contact name, Billed amounts, and Appointments
 - Provider Search - add Profession search criteria to limit Providers returned
 - Provider Search - need to be able to exclude Venue from all Provider Searches
 - Provider Search - Provider / Location combined mode (Beta Mode)
 - Provider Search - Show notes column for Provider and Location
 - W5 - Allow for font selection to better allow users to differentiate between similar characters (Font selection under View tab)

Fixed Bugs

 - Action Trigger - Note Response potentially truncates macros for Note Reference
 - Action Trigger - Note Response with UPPERCASEFIELDS option set prematurely uppercases macros with case sensitive formatting
 - Appointment Maintenance - Vendor/Doctor Assigned Action Trigger fires when updating appointment for existing vendors, but misses some new vendors
 - Case Maintenance - Service Type changed directly on the form does not propagate to Service Files unless other fields also changed
 - Client Maintenance - Under certain circumstances the Vendor DNU list will return all vendors listed in search when none are selected
 - Document Download (Web) - all documents downloaded appear to be corrupted
 - Invoice - Fail to cancel invoice when Create Credit Invoice for Cancel Invoice Posting site option is set
 - New Case - SQL transaction error blocks new case creation
 - OCF-21 - allows an invoice to be double-submitted to HCAI
 - Open Service File List Form - Not showing latest appointment date and status for client and client contact
 - Open Service List - Typo "Lastest Appt" in the latest appointment date column title
 - Set Fee Maintenance - "Rate not valid" error when updating set fee with fee taxable changed
 - Vendor Simple Search - "All Locations" option is enabled and should not be, when searching for Providers or other specific type of vendor
 - Workflow Monitor - not showing up-to-date information when the user does not have access to the step that the workflow transitioned to
 - Workflow Monitor - Object Reference error when clicking into the Filter row in the Provider or Billing Source column


 - Action Trigger - Add a new action trigger event to capture change of Service code on a file
 - Add a new open services list form
 - Multi-Document Download - add Snippet-enabled Emailing
 - Prepaid Charge - feature enhancements
 - Provider - Locations List - need option to show Non-visible Locations

Fixed Bugs

 - Action Trigger - Case Type or Service Type changed event is not fired when changing primary workflow on file
 - Action Trigger - Service Type changed event is not fired when changing service type on service file
 - Add New Service - When the form expands after clicking on the Report Due Date field, the buttons at the bottom are hidden
 - Azure Document Storage - not properly handling scenario where the document is not zipped
 - Case - Report Timeline control - not showing appt date when the status is not pending
 - Case Search - errors retrieving some remembered searches
 - Charge Maintenance - Bill Through not default when only one Bill Through vendor exists
 - Documents - Word launched by W5 cannot open subsequent documents marked as unsafe by other applications on Windows 7
 - Feature Access - a user with no access is still able see a few menu items in the menu ribbon
 - Outlook Add-In - Email address not being sent to W5 for To, From, BCC, CC fields if it's not included in the Display Name
 - Outlook Add-In - On Emails saved in W5, the CC text is stored in "CC" and the "To" fields
 - Workflow Monitor - Report sent date  and Report Complete date are not showing any values
 - Workflow On File - allows a primary workflow to be reopened when one is already open on the file
 - Workflow On File - allows a workflow to be reopened when there is already the maximum number of open workflows of that class through


 - A/R Deposit Batch - Enhance to allow per-User Batches

 - Action Trigger - ability to hook into the event of the Appointment Date changing

 - Action Trigger - Add Workflow response - needs to be able to replace one primary workflow with another, without closing the file

 - Action Trigger - Create Workflow response - add option to create workflow on all Open Service files

 - Appointment - On date warnings, keep the Appointment form open to allow the user to optionally change the date

 - Case - add option to make case-level Venue mandatory

 - Case - Allow printing of Multiple documents via the Action menu

 - Case Maintenance - allow Reference and Entity to be clicked as a link on Accounting tab

 - Case Maintenance - Always show the most current appointment and status on the service status tab

 - Case Review (Web) - ability to present alternate Workflow Step descriptions for external Client mode users

 - Case Review (Web) - add option to hide Questions upon review

 - Client DNU list for Vendors - also check the Billing Client's Company for DNU's

 - Document - add the ability to send an email using a snippet

 - Document Maintenance - enable Print functionality

 - Documents - Add Azure Storage as a supported document storage option

 - ICD Codes - Maintenance

 - Name Maintenance - when the date of birth is set or changed, ask the user if they would like the Child flag set based on the Child Age site option

 - Name Search - Add name type column to entity history list

 - Name Search - allow for deletion of unused Names (also known as Entities)

 - Notes Pop-up - allow the Note Classes to be configurable

 - OCF-21 B Report - show Code Descriptions in Goods and Services section

 - Prepaid Charge - add Edit button to launch the A/P transaction maintenance

 - Prepaid Charge - only allow the prepaid charge to be prepared if the value is greater than zero

 - QB - Add ability to send Credit Card payment request for paying a Vendor

 - QB - Handling scenario where QB can return a false positive when W5 checks to see if transaction already exists

 - QB - Prevent exporting distribution to QB if either side of the distribution is a void transaction

 - QB - Prevent exporting transaction to QB if transaction is listed as a non-exportable transaction

 - Snippet - Increase Subject size to 500 characters

 - Tax Rates - increase the number of decimals allowed from 5 to 7

 - Treatments in Dispute - Code Maintenance

 - User Maintenance - allow maintenance for Restricted User to Restricted User access (Supervisor can see subordinate user files)

 - User Search - show Security Role code column

 - Vendor Maintenance - allow for drag/drop of documents

 - Workflow Monitor - Optionally hide Appointment Date on Paper services

 - Workflow Monitor and Workflow Process Action - add Mass Invoicing to Action menu

 - Workflow Status Update - Add a Feature Access that prevents the end-user from selecting Direct Action

 - Workflow Status Update - Add a new field to store the date/time since the workflow arrived at the current step

Fixed Bugs

 - A/P - auto-generated Bills/Credits are not including the Tax amount in the Total of the transaction

 - Action Trigger - Change Primary Workflow response is closing and reopening the workflow when it already exists on the file

 - Add Charge from Workflow - not firing Action Triggers

 - Appointment - Report Due Date not automatically populated when file is set to multi

 - Batch Printing - If an error occurs while the form is starting up, the forms close mechanism fails and it and W5 can no longer be closed

 - Case - Eforms added to Service Files do not Save

 - Document on Vendor/Credentials/Client/Contact - if the document cannot be found, the user cannot modify the document record to resolve it

 - Documents (Web) - Showing as Missing in Web Portal when they are not actually missing

 - ICD Code Search - the search text section disappears after searching

 - Note Pop-up - Fail to add entity note if entity has multiple versions

 - Notes Popup - Dropdown button for adding notes does not work

 - Outlook Add-In - allows and saves spaces at the end of the File # entered

 - Record Action -   Action attached to appointment cannot be executed from process action when there is no pending appointment

 - Referral List (Web) - Exam Status column is not properly showing multiple lines of text each on their own line

 - Snippet - Requires snippet select access when processing snippet for Email or Note

 - Snippets - When generating a new email, the Outlook signature is not appended to the resulting email

 - User Maintenance - Creating a Client mode user produces error: Procedure or function 'W5_ADD_927_V3' expects parameter '@W5GI_Key_ClientLocat

 - Vendor - Ampersands within the Vendor code cause errors on scheduling

 - Vendor - Refresh of the Vendor does not refresh the Eforms

 - Workflow - Notes added through workflow are being saved without carriage returns, causing the resulting text to appear all on one line through


 - A/R Collections - allow File # and Invoice # to be clicked as a link; add column chooser

 - A/R Maintenance - allow the File numbers in the Charge and Transaction lists to be clickable as a link

 - Action Trigger - Change the Create Workflow response to allow for creating workflows on all Service files

 - Action Trigger - Response to set the Ancillary Service status on the Current Appointment

 - Action Trigger - Response to set the Appointment Status of the current pending Appointment

 - Billing Functions - allow for any office to be selected in the Session in order to bill, reprint, and review invoices

 - Case - add "Multi" indicator

 - Case - Invoice List - enhance to show A/R and A/P transactions

 - Case - Notes List - Workflow History should show the User that took the action when the user clicks on the "View" button or link

 - Case - Special Instruction - allow modification of this note based on the user's Case Maintenance access instead of Note Maintenance access

 - Client - Txn History - include additional columns

 - Client / Contact addresses - allow for Contacts to inherit the address and phone number from the Client

 - Document Maintenance - allow for drag and drop of documents instead of Browse and Browse and Replace

 - Notes - optionally allow a Note to be changed by the Author within X minutes of the note being added even without Update access

 - Provider Search - need to be able to search for a Provider by Name without ANY other criteria being applied

 - Service Transaction Maint - various enhancements

 - Services - add External Description field that can appear on Invoices or Letters

 - Vendor Rates - Optionally allow for the Group set as the Bill Through to specify the Vendor Rates

 - Vendor Simple Search - add option to exclude zero-rated Providers/Clinics (should be set to exclude by default)

 - Workflow Monitor - Prepaid Charges - add a count indicator for pending prepaid charges (show like the workflows and steps counts)

Fixed Bugs

 - Add Case - not firing Client Insert triggers

 - Appointment Maint - "W5Desktop.LocationTypeKey" shows as name when In-home or At-work location selected for appointment

 - Assign Providers / Location - Violation of primary key error for inserting duplicate key in  object "dbo.@Vendors"

 - Cancel / Credit / Reprint Invoice Form - Issues with errors, print button, error with varying format id's

 - Cancel/Credit Invoice - varying feature access rights are being considered depending on the form

 - Case - Invoice List - Improperly shows invoices as other currency, never shows the Calc. Total column

 - Document - Clicking Copy does not leave the user with any indication whether the document copy is saved or not

 - Documents - Clicking the Copy button does not create a copy of the document

 - Eform Entry - cannot type the hours or minutes values of a date/time field that has a time component

 - File Transfer (Direct) - always presents error: W5 File Transfer action failed to return confirmation

 - Invoice Review - Reprint or cancel invoices always disabled

 - Multi-Document Download - not allowing linked documents from other files to be downloaded

 - Prepaid Charge - If the Vendor Rate is Missing, the Prepaid Charge should still be created, just with a zero value

 - Service Transactions - New Transaction for a provider without appointment doesn't pre-fill the provider / bill thru on Charge Maintenance

 - Vendor  Maintenance - Availability Warning Level should only appear on Service Provider and Locations

 - Vendor Calendar - Able to select provider or location on Client DNU list in Set Appointment mode from Process Action

 - Workflow Definition - editing an Action intermittently causes an exception: [74] That record already exists through


 - Action Trigger - Create New Workflow response - add option to overwrite current comment when reopening a workflow

 - Action Trigger - enhance Workflow on File conditions

 - Action Trigger - Response to override the Report Due Date or Deadline Date

 - Action Trigger - Response to set a User on a Role on the Case

 - Action Trigger - Response to set the Office for the whole Case

 - Appointment - Issue warnings for appointments scheduled outside an availability period and/or within an unavailability period

 - Case - Invoices - Added easier to access Actions menu to Invoice Row

 - Case - Invoices - Allow for Enhanced Template Reports to be created and run against an individual invoice

 - Case - Notes/Documents - add column that shows Date and Time

 - Case - Services List - Add "Scheduling Status" column that will show the current scheduling workflow status, clicking the text will open the workflow

 - Case - Services List - Allow quick access to Primary Workflow and Appt by clicking on the cell text

 - Case Maintenance - Add General Vendor to new Vendor on File option list

 - Client Contact - add a DNU List at the contact-level (Primary Contact on the Billing Client will be looked at when checking DNU)

 - Client Maintenance - Optimize DNU List by using Provider/Location Search

 - Document - Add External Reference field

 - Document - Add Measure field to store either pages or inches/centimeters

 - Document Maintenance - re-organize fields to accomplish a cleaner look

 - Enhanced Templates - ability to embed image documents from W5 as images in the resulting document

 - Enhanced XLSX Template - Ability to have the first or last sheet be a Summary worksheet (by prefixing the name with an @ sign)

 - New Case - hide Guardian when a Guardian name type is used (as per the site option)

 - OCF-21 - Updated report format for Oct 1, 2016 revisions

 - Scheduled Template Generation - allow users to schedule a template to be generated at a later date/time

 - SLA Rules to Affect and Control Appointment Status Workflow Actions

 - Vendor Calendar - Various performance optimizations

 - Workflow Monitor - allow for varying columns to be shown per Workflow Class or Key Point

Fixed Bugs

 - Action Trigger - not properly executing against each Invoice when generating a split invoice

 - Case Maintenance - Currency on service files not changed when changing currency on case file

 - Document Library - Template Maintenance - when switching from one template to another, the usage value may not be reset properly in some circumstances

 - Document Library - when a user does not have View access to Document Template feature, when they click on the Templates node, an error occurs

 - Document Maintenance - Changing Template selection leaves the Reference set to the old template name

 - Document Template - after deleting a template, it is still being referenced in Document Template Filters

 - New Service File - excessive warnings regarding Start Date

 - Pending Charges - do not get recreated in some scenarios when the Provider has Prepaid Charges

 - Provider Search - Able to select provider or location on Client DNU list when changing providers/location for appointment

 - Provider Search - Active general vendors on the file listed on Service Provider search results when in assign Service Provider/Location mode

 - Provider Search - slow to show a large number of Providers and/or Locations

 - Provider Search - when adding a provider / location without scheduling an appointment, not preventing selection of DNU provider

 - Question Filter - In some cases, the Questions specified in the Filter do not appear even when the Filter is setup properly

 - Question Maintenance - using the incorrect Feature code to determine access

 - Set Appointment - Appointment status not properly initialized if the appointment sub action tab is not selected when taking action

 - Tag - Tag does not display properly

 - Vendor Calendar - Not showing proper type of locations depending on file location type setting in Set Appointment mode

 - Vendor on File -  Error on Update: "You cannot add more than one active Interpretation or Transportation Vendor to the pending appointment"

 - Working Sets - Cannot retrieve the list of files properly


 - Appointment - Certain actions require an explanation to be recorded in Audit, shown in Notes tab on Case

 - Business Days Calculations - Add Business Day Exclusions for holidays

 - Case - Health Care Practitioners - Add option to default Provider Role on new entries

 - Case - Notes - Include Claimant Notes in the list of Notes

 - Case Document List / Multi-Document Upload - allow drag/drop of Files from the PC and attachments from Outlook

 - Client Contacts - when selecting Contacts, optionally do not default the Primary, Bill To, Report To, Referral Source flags on the first Contact

 - Client on File - allow for the user to perform a Contact Name search to find the appropriate Client / Contact

 - Clients - Contacts - allow for any contact to be a Report CC or Bill CC even though the Client is not marked as a Report To/Bill To

 - Code Search - add column chooser and remembered sorting and column positions

 - Doc Template Filter - Enhanced - Allow for the presence of one Target Type to cause the exclusion of another (Exclude Claimant when Attorney present)

 - HCAI - Version 3.15 (2016-06)

 - New Case - allow for External Reference to be entered

 - Provider Schedule - Ability to view the Provider Schedule from Appointment form, Provider Search, and Provider Maintenance

 - Provider Search - simplified the Service Criteria section

 - Provider Search - When in Appt or Set Loc. mode, Location searches should only return Locations where there is a Provider that can perform the service

 - Roles on Case

 - Vendor - Add Credit Card to the Payment Methods list

Fixed Bugs

 - Action Trigger - Execute Record Action response - After update to version 5.1.9987.0 the Actions are no longer being recorded

 - Action Trigger - When specifying a negative modifier using Business Days, this could result in inaccurate dates

 - Assign Provider/Location - left-most form tab in W5 is activated after a provider/location is assigned

 - Billing Worksheet - not taking charge-level Tax Jurisdiction values into consideration

 - Case - Document List - does not properly recall remembered Sort Columns

 - Case - Error when saving Case after saving Client on File information "[234] Cannot save changes because this record has been changed by another user"

 - Case - Health Care Practitioners - File list is not updated after a new Service File is added

 - Case Info Panel - not responding to all File based forms

 - Diary Calendar - Right-Click > Email as iCalendar - When the instruction has a slash in it, the process fails with an error

 - Number of Custom Reports calculating the business days difference when starting on weekend return value 1 higher than expected

 - Provider Search - Current active provider on file not returned when searching service provider on assign provider/location mode

 - Provider Search - Null Reference Exception when tags are removed

 - Report Due Date Calculations - Adding business hours to a Friday could result in a weekend due date (more issues listed in description)


 - Action Trigger - Added Free-Form Condition which allows for generic conditions to be created that can optionally make use of macros

 - Action Trigger - new condition to check if the file was added by a Client user

 - Appointment - additional statuses to track more scenarios

 - Case - add options that control which Notes appear for Clients, Contacts, and Vendors (by Note Class)

 - Case Review (Web) - configurable way to cause already entered Service Requests to not be shown

 - Job Position and Department - to use searchable dropdown field

 - List Referrals (Web) - configurable way to default the operators on File Status and Claim Number criteria fields

 - SecureDocs Integration - to send outgoing attachments (www.securedocs.ca)

 - Service Provider / Service Location - allow Tags to be added and searchable in Provider Search

 - Snippet Maintenance - show the Category description in the Snippet search

 - Snippets - add Email Recipients to Snippets

 - Web API - /Me method - Added "LastSuccessfulLogin" and "FailedLoginAttemptsSinceLastLogin" properties

 - Workflow Monitor - add "Duration at Step" column

 - Workflow Monitor - add Rush column

 - Workflow Monitor - Add Workflow Count/Rush Count in left-side panel

 - Workflow on File - After clicking on the Appointment link and making changes and coming back to the Workflow Status Update form, warn the user

 - Workflow on File - Assign Provider sub action should also allow a Service Location to be selected

Fixed Bugs

 - Action Trigger - Emails failing to be sent when the resulting recipient list contained extra semi-colons

 - Case Entry (Web) - Always shows Language selection, but only saves if the Interpreter is "Yes"

 - Case Maint - Report Due Date Being Changed Without User Consent

 - Client - Department, Job Position, and Location - Cannot save new record when clicking new button from the Maintenance form

 - Client Location - address and phone fields are not paying attention to Country specific formats and labelling

 - Client Location - The default country from client is not populated when adding new location

 - Document Maintenance - Template dropdown includes duplicate items

 - Document Template Filter - clicking the "Add" button in Multi-client mode without a client selected results in an "Object Reference" error

 - Document Template Filter, Question Filter - Error on launch: Failed to launch the requested form

 - Document Templates - When a template has a macro name in it for which a definition cannot be found, the template is processed extremely slowly

 - Invoice Reprint - launches a separate report window for each invoice report

 - List Assignments (Web) - Client dropdown is also showing hidden Clients

 - Name - viewing the File List where a Name is used causes error: Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function...

 - Provider Rates - Service Location search is presenting all Locations instead of just the Locations valid for the Provider

 - Provider Search - "Specified cast is not valid" error when search locations without Providers listed

 - Record Action - actions recorded on Service Files are not being registered in Action Trigger

 - Service Request - Code data context changes to an incorrect value when updating

 - Service Requests (WEB) - "No Service Requests" shows whether service requests exist on file or not when edting service requests on file

 - Workflow Monitor - When switching between workflows and/or steps, the grid ordering is not being honoured

 - Workflow on File - not refreshing after the user goes to the appointment and makes a change

 - Workflow Status Update - User Search for Role is including all users, should be limited to Users in the specified Department/Role


 - Case Info Panel - allow for Enhanced Templates to be set as usable in the Case Info Panel

 - Client Locations - drop down to allow filtering by address

 - New Case - Apostrophes entered into fields are not treated the same way as when they are entered directly on Name Maintenance

 - Text Snippets

Fixed Bugs

 - Name Maintenance - Changing Interpreter Needed, Language, Mobility do not trigger Entity update panel

 - Transportation and Interpreter flags not populating as expected


 - A/R - Refunds (further modifications)

 - Action Trigger - add Grouping field and allow triggers to be grouped by the Grouping text; add Filter Row to grid

 - Action Trigger - Need a Response to Run a Custom SP for customization purposes

 - Action Trigger - new response to Create new Service

 - Action Trigger - new response to mark documents with a given Document Class to Private or Public

 - Action Trigger - new response to Send Email with documents of a given Document Class attached

 - Action Trigger / Workflow Queue - Export documents to PDF (to server folder)

 - Action Trigger / Workflow Queue - Export Multiple documents (given doc classes), convert to PDF and merge into single PDF (to server folder)

 - Case - Add Column Chooser to Workflow grid; sort by Workflow Sequence instead of Workflow Name by default

 - Charge - External code drop downs

 - Folder Monitor Registration - generic procedure to import documents onto Case and/or Service Files

 - Mass Invoicing - visual enhancements; auto-set Service charges to be Closed; Show current workflow steps

 - QA Timers - feature that allows for timers to be started, stopped or cancelled and have events arise when the timer is almost due or is overdue

 - Vendor Billing - New changes

 - Workflow Monitor - add "Earliest Appt on Case" column

Fixed Bugs

 - A/P Maintenance - Payment method does not reflecting the default check/eft setting on the vendor

 - Case Entry (Web) - Names are being added as verified whereas since they are entered via the web, they should be unverified

 - Document Upload (Web) - The "New" and "Return to Intake" buttons are disabled after uploading a document

 - Interpreter and Transportation - Action trigger responses and Site options are showing a "Yes or Needs to Confirm" value as an option

 - New Case (Windows, Case Entry Web) - Same as Claimant Name overwrites fields on the existing entity (potentially wrong entity version as well)

 - Question on File - Questions already selected on file not showing as "Included" on potential questions list

From 5.1.9944.0 to


- A/P - handling zero value vendor charges

- A/P Accrual Adjustments

- A/P Bills - allow selection of EFT vs Check

- A/P Voids

- A/R Collection Notes

- A/R Refunds

- Account Statement

- Action Trigger - Ability to transition all Workflows of a certain Class whether Open or Closed to a specific Key Point

- Action Trigger - Change "Workflow is on File" conditions to be able to look at the Case as well

- Action Trigger - Condition to check the Service File's Current Appointment Status

- Action Trigger - Conditions to check for the presence of specified Contacts

- Action Trigger - Create Workflow response - allow for an option that will reopen existing Workflows if found and optionally only be created on the Case

- Action Trigger - Document Template conditions

- Action Trigger - Interpreter and Transportation conditions - add option that checks for Yes or Need to Confirm

- Action Trigger - Response to update Eform and Conditions to check Eform field value

- Action Trigger - Workflow Responses to alternatively move a Workflow to a specific Step rather than a Key point

- Action Trigger - ability to track various Queue events (for background processes)

- Action Trigger - add Condition to check for any combination of Interpreter and Transportation services values

- Action Trigger - add condition on Case/Service File for Claimant needing Interpreter

- Action Trigger - add condition on the Case/Service file for "Needs Transportation"

- Action Trigger - conditions to check Document and Note Private flags

- Action Trigger - responses to set the "Needs Interpreter" and "Needs Transportation" flags on the Case and/or Service File

- Add External Reference to Cases

- Apply File Set - Allow for multiple of a single type of File to be created

- Appointment - Bill Thru dropdown - add autosuggest (contains)

- Appointment - rename Start Time to Appt. Date

- Billing Wizard - set to not produce OCF invoices by default

- Case - Conflicts Grid - also allow selection of Clinics and Group Locations

- Case - Documents List - remove Document Set sorting / sequencing

- Case - File Set - add a Filter row when selecting a File Set

- Case - Invoice List - show Generated By column

- Case - Needs Interpreter and Language needs to be copied to the Case from Claimant and settable at the Case and Service File level

- Case - Needs Transportation needs to be settable at the Service File level

- Case - New Service File - add option to default the Service File Start and Referral Dates to be the same as the Cases

- Case - Provider Bills - allow for DoS columns to be selected/shown

- Case - Service File List - Show Active Provider Name even when no appointment exists

- Case - Show Third Party service and Appointment statuses alongside the Needs flags

- Case - automatically prepend leading zeroes when a Case # is entered

- Case - change look/feel of Special Instruction box

- Case - need flag values indicating a "Need to Confirm" vs. "Yes" vs. "No" for third party services (Interpreter, Transportation)

- Case - need to allow Service Method to be set at the Case-level

- Case - show Claimant middle name when entered

- Case Maintenance: Slight Performance Improvement when loading Exams with Vendors that are on many Files as Service Providers

- Case, Name, Client on File - allow for client-specific GUI customizations

- Charge - Various Improvements

- Charge - change Activity field to new Drop down style

- Charge / Rates - allow for more precision on Vendor Rates

- Charge Maintenance - Allow for no Appointment to be selected; show provider name on mouse over

- Charge Maintenance - Allow text entry into Service Provider and Bill Through drop downs to select the appropriate value

- Charges - allow entry of Charges directly on the Case; allow for any Bill Through to be selected in some scenarios

- Client - A/R Txn History - add column chooser

- Client - Employer, Departments and Job Positions

- Client - add Locations and allow for one to be selected on the Case

- Client - show additional contact columns in list; allow sorting and exporting

- Client Contact - allow for a default Contact Type to be specified and placed onto new Contacts

- Client Contacts Visibility Enforcement and Merge Capability

- Client Locations - allow to be used as Service Location on Appointment

- Client on File - Allow for multiple contacts to be specified

- Client on File - add Order Number field

- Contact Search - Allow filtering in contact list; also allow data to be sorted

- Contact Search - Hide "Add Contact" panel until user indicates they want to add a new Contact

- Contact Search - add Fax # for Client and Contact

- Custom Reports - ability to have reports appear on the Ribbon menu system (no end-user maintenance yet)

- Custom Reports - allow for a Custom Report to fill in a DOCX Template in the Library

- Custom Reports - allow for a Custom Report to fill in an XLSX Template in the Library

- Data Export - module to export data from the W5 Database to a file in the File System

- Document Export to Server- allow for the exported document to be converted to PDF

- Document History - Allow to link or copy documents from other cases to the current case

- Document Library - various usability enhancements for Library and Template documents

- Document Macro - Plaintiff/Claimant Address macro

- Document Macros - Document Loop and related macros

- Document Macros - add NoteText macro that uses hard newlines - NoteTextHardNewLine

- Document Printing - allow for a document to be excluded from the print list

- Document Template - ability to generate a QR Code using the QRCode macro (RTF docs only)

- Document Template - add AppointmentDate_Offset and AppointmentTime_Offset macros

- Document Template - added ProperCaseOff and ProperCaseOn macros to turn off/on proper casing for the template

- Document Template - macros for Diary entries

- Document Template Filter - allow for Office filtering; allow multiple selections at a time

- Document Template Filtering - New Maintenance

- Document Templates - added CaseDescription macro

- Document Templates - added Macros to retrieve Client information for any Client Type

- Document Templates - added macros: ClaimantEmail, ClaimantContact, ClaimantContactPhone, ClaimantMobility, ClientCounselAssistPhone, ClientCounselAssistEmail

- Documents - include full history for claimant

- Eforms - Add eforms to code access for user security

- Eforms - ability to print an Eform

- File Filter - rework for Questions

- File Filter Maintenance - Questions - Allow full question text to be shown; allow alt-up and down to resequence rows; fixed weird behaviour with sequencing questions

- File Set - allow for Specialty to be set up ahead of time in the File Set

- HCAI - Update 3.12 - Nov 2014 - OCF-21

- Invoice - Ability to show the Client Lead or Assist contact names instead of the main Contact

- Invoice Reporting - allow for a Document Template to be used as the Invoice report (using Mail Merge fields)

- Mass Invoicing

- Mass Invoicing - add filter row when selecting files/charges to bill

- Name - increased First, Middle, and Last Name fields to 80 characters each

- Name Search - Allow columns on name results and case history lists to be reordered by the user and remembered

- New Case - Options in Case Configuration to control whether to ask for a Client Location and Order Number

- New Case - ability to default Case Type, Service Type and Service Method for the Site

- New Case - enhancements for specifying Diary, Case Description and Eforms

- New Case - optionally set the Start Date to the value provided for Referral Date and hide the Start Date

- New Email - when creating a New Email using Outlook, do not require that the W5 Outlook Add-In is installed

- New Email - when no email account is specified in W5, assume the account is to connect to Outlook

- Outlook Add-In - Add Outlook 2016 Compatibility

- Provider Rates - allow for any type of Activity code to be rated

- Provider Search - show Specialty, allow Specialty selection for Appt

- Questions - allow a predefined question to be copied into a custom question

- Rating - allow for rating mode that retrieves the Client Rate from the Provider Rate schedule

- Record Actions - add to Appointment

- Referral (Web) - allow for a default Document Class on all new documents submitted on a referral via the Web

- Referral Intake - Check Last Name on Referral Names is not missing prior to creating Referral

- Referral Receipt - allow for the Report title and Submitted To name to be customized

- Report Requirements - add Office criteria

- Require Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2

- Template Reports - ability to run Enhanced Document Templates on Files and File Search

- Template Reports - allow for a template to be either a DOCX or XLSX format

- Templates - New DoctorSignature macro

- Templates - UserSignature, OfficeLogo - allow for a custom width and height to be specified in inches

- Templates - ability to run Enhanced Documents Templates on Files

- Templates - add Usage concept to determine where merge templates can be used

- Vendor - A/P Txn History - add column chooser

- Vendor - Early Payment System

- Vendor A/P GP code

- Vendor Maintenance - allow a Provider to be reclassified as a General Vendor even if appointments and charges exist

- Vendor Maintenance - allow for Service Providers to be changed to General Vendors even if Charges exist

- Web API - Add ability to check the "IsPasswordChangeRequired" flag for the current logged-in user (via the "Me" API call) without requiring administrative access

- Web Referral (Review Mode) - show Specialty for each Service File and Appointment Status for each Appointment

- Workflow - Document Template Sub-action - automatically generate/queue document templates that are targeted to the Case, on the Case instead of Service File

- Workflow - ability to condition Sub-Actions individually

- Workflow - ability to lock an individual workflow

- Workflow - allow for sub-actions to be sequenced (primarily as displayed to the user)

- Workflow Monitor – Make it obvious that a Workflow Filter is on by showing a list of which columns are being filtered on, above the grid

- Workflow Monitor - Office dropdown - show office code also

- Workflow Monitor - add an option to disable the context menu when clicking a Service File #

- Workflow on File - Record Action sub-action - add a label for selected action to improve readability

- Workflow on File - allow the "Change Due Date" sub-action to be hidden based on the workflow definition

Fixed Bugs

 - A/P - Clicking edit on a Payment Transaction Lists Charges

 - A/P - incorrectly add tax values to the amount of the transaction

 - A/P - Invoices Created in A/P should not be able to apply charges already applied to other Invoices

 - A/P - Invoices Created in A/P should throw an exception if a charge to be applied has been deleted (by another user) prior to saving a new Invoice

 - A/P Voids - Cannot void Posted Payment with no File Number

 - A/R - Clicking on row when Apply cell is active cell resets the remaining amount (UI only, backend validates)

 - A/R - Error "Key not found: 'APPLYOS'" under certain conditions when checking / unchecking pay column

 - A/R - Grid columns not properly sized so columns like File Number get cutoff

 - A/R - when reversing a Payment or Credit transaction, the associated Invoice still indicates "Paid"

 - A/R issue - able to apply a Payment from one Client to an Invoice on another Client

 - A/R Maint - OS Amount in GUI is updated on wrong row

 - Action Response "Move THIS Workflow to Key Point (Direct action)" allows the user to select multiple key points even though this is not supported

 - Action Trigger - after adding/changing a condition or response, bottom button toolbar is mostly hidden

 - Action Trigger - Delayed Action Triggers do not work even when configured

 - Action Trigger - error: invalid parameter

 - Action Trigger - when generating a Document for issued Invoices and the resulting Document name exceeds 50 characters, then the Document does not get added

 - Action Trigger Send Email - allowing emails to be queued where there is no "To" address

 - AP Transaction - Null exception when creating new bill transaction

 - Apply File Set - always use case file's service type without applying SERVICEONCASE site config setting

 - Appointment Maintenance - Various Bug Fixes

 - Batch Printing - If document error occurs when clicking view, unhandled exception occurs and W5 cannot be closed

 - Benefits in Dispute - Questions not included in the question filter do not show up

 - Billing - when running a Billing Worksheet Report or billing a file, error: Arithmetic overflow error

 - Billing - Worksheet and Invoice generation - excessive detail records are being generated within the Invoice when calculating OOE1 (Office Overhead on Expenses)

 - Billing Wizard - closing case when generating invoice causes extra parameter error

 - Billing Wizard - Messages relating to how to fix certain conditions refer to incorrect File Maint tab names

 - Case - Add Service File - Action Triggers do not fire if a Warning is shown

 - Case - Add Service File - query time out error when Web portal enabled

 - Case - Change Primary Workflow - error: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object

 - Case - Change Primary Workflow - Service Method is not properly being set when the Service is changed

 - Case - Disputes - some disputes are showing as duplicated

 - Case - Documents - when a Service file is added and then documents are added to the new service file, incorrect group headings appear in the Document List and the Document appears as Linked

 - Case - error when Claimant dates of birth or death are earlier than 1910

 - Case - Exam list is not always showing the most current Appointment information

 - Case - Report Due Date not showing accurate time; Report Due Date Changed Action Trigger firing needlessly when saving the Exam

 - Case - Sometimes the Claimant Address appears blank when State/Province is empty

 - Case - Special Instructions - missing scrollbars when text exceeds the designated area

 - Case - Tax Fees and Expenses flags are not propagating to the Service Files

 - Case access - not always updating case access rights properly when an attribute of the file changes

 - Case Maintenance - in some cases, values from the Case are not propagating to the Service Files

 - Charge - should automatically select Unit/Flat based on rate lookup and/or Activity

 - Charge Maint - client rate is not properly populated when getting rates after changing unchecking override

 - Charges Billed through A/P Maintenance Posting Status Inconsistent

 - Claimant History - When rending page - Compilation Error - The name 'm_sLobLabel' does not exist in the current context

 - Client Configuration - Form completely broken, designer layout appears to be missing

 - Client Maintenance - A/R tab visible when user doesn't have access, Reverse Txn/Dist. not checking A/R access

 - Client Maintenance - A/R Txn History - Refund Transactions never show up on the list

 - Code Lookup Box - Typing in the code or using the arrow keys to select the code does not always commit the value properly (only when the description of the code starts with the same text as the code)

 - Contact Notes appearing for contacts not on the Case

 - Desktop - Clicking "Reserve Transaction Source" in "Reserve Coding" results in error " Error: Clearance to this Form has not been granted! [W5CS764]"

 - Desktop - Client coding menu contains old unused "Risk Priority, Risk Status, Risk Code" menu items that do not do anything when clicked

 - Diary Calendar - Printing does not allow Printer selection

 - Diary Calendar - When double-clicking to create a new appointment, the time on the entry is a number of hours incorrect

 - Diary Maintenance - performing an additional file # formatting when saving, causing issues for files that are non-standard formats

 - Document Macro - W5_RESOLVE_LIST_1156_V1 not exist exception when processing Question related macros

 - Document Maint - cannot add new document linked from library which does not have description defined

 - Document Scanning Error "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'W5IS_NeedToPrint', table 'dbo.W5Document'"

 - Document Set - when applying to a file, the Template's Document Class is not carried over

 - Document Template - File Filter still references a template even after it has been deleted, causing an error when saving the filter

 - Document Templates - Defaults for Site Options are not working right, causing various macros to not return the correct data

 - Documents - when adding a new document, if the user has it open/locked in the editor, W5 notifies the user but does not provide an opportunity to upload the document again

 - Documents - When showing the list of Templates to generate for a Document, only show those that are appropriate for the type of File (Case, Service File) based on the Target File Type of the Template

 - E-Forms - Auditing of Deletion does not reliably record the correct Eform that was deleted

 - Eforms - not able to use navigation keys when entering text into a field (left arrow, right arrow, home, end, etc.)

 - Email - Built-in W5 Email shows winmail.dat Attachment in certain circumstances

 - Email - when forwarding or replying to an email, in some circumstances error occurs: Exception from HRESULT: 0xFDD40111

 - Email - when sending emails, attachment names are sometimes lost, resulting in strange ATT00001 names

 - Email Retrieval - Emails received from within W5 via POP3 have an incorrect Email date

 - Email Retrieval - POP3 retrieval - HTML emails without plain text bodies are stored as HTML within W5, making them unreadable

 - Emailing - When initiating an email from W5 to Outlook, the Outlook signature is not retained when sending a document

 - File Filter Maintenance - Error when more than 255 questions added: The statement has been terminated

 - File Transfer Direct - not properly assigning the default bank for the new Office

 - General - in some cases after logging in, all forms appear as empty, forcing the user to "Reset Layout" to be able to see anything

 - History Grid - Form not displaying anything

 - Issuing an Invoice after the file is Closed may improperly reopen the file

 - List Assignments - Object Reference Error when changing search or refreshing data

 - Multi-Document Download - is allowing removal of documents and re-ordering after download started

 - Multi-Document Download - Not hiding the fax option if fax is not configured

 - Multi-Document Upload - file numbers are being double-formatted and only allow for file numbers up to 10 characters long

 - Name Search - Case/Service file list is duplicated when the Name is used in more than one role on the file

 - New Email - File # not being populated when sending an email through Outlook

 - OCF-21 B Report - Billing Address/Service Address is not showing even when the data is present

 - Outlook Add-In - when sending documents to W5, the Private flag is not properly defaulting based on Doc Class nor Site Option

 - Provider - Signature - only accepts images where the file extension is lowercase

 - Provider Calendar - slow to load when Availabilities have been entered

 - Provider Credentials Documents - Search feature does not work in Browse window when adding a new Document

 - Provider Rate maint - Nullable Exception when client rate does not exist

 - Provider Search - Files Grid - when exporting to Excel, date format for Latest Appt column causes date/time to not appear

 - Provider Services - only allows five characters to be typed into the Client field

 - Rating - Unit Flat is not being set properly for looking up Client Rates specified on the Provider Rate record

 - Record Action - "Input string was not in a correct format" when executing UDA on process action

 - Referral Intake - Case level questions not shown on population of existing Referral

 - Referral Intake - when a File Filter is defined for a Client, the only Case Types that show are the ones used in File Filters for that Client

 - Referral Receipt report - error: The given key was not present in the dictionary

 - Referral Review - Documents set to Public are showing as Added as at the date the document is made public; also showing as Added By the user that set it to Public

 - Reports Admin - Windows form completely empty launches with error, appears completely broken

 - Right clicking on Ribbon Group caption causes unhandled exception

 - Scheduling, Reporting, Billing Notes Pop-up - When the Entity Name contains an ampersand, the Notes do not display properly

 - Service Transaction Form throws "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" instead of printing invoices

 - Service Transactions - is rounding the amount of the invoice after pressing the "Preview" button

 - ServiceProvider macro sometimes throws "conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier"

 - Template Processing - Error after generating a large number of templates: Error creating Window Handle

 - Templates - Office Logo and User Signature macros are producing images that do not appear the correct size in WordPad

 - Updating W5 when W5 was started from a Pinned Taskbar shortcut, causes the update prompt again the next time W5 starts; W5 does not update

 - User - Copy - Error when Email address left empty: Login Alias cannot be the same as this or another user's User ID, Email Address of Login Alias.

 - Vendor - Change Classification fails with Obj Ref error when W5 has no Group Vendors defined

 - Vendor Maintenance - "Error: Column 'W5ID_ARTxnType' does not belong to table W5Table_1214_1" when loading distributions for A/P transaction

 - Vendor Simple Search - No name or incorrect name shown for Groups, Group Locations, and Clinics when "Show Last and First Name, instead of Vendor Name" option is set to Yes

 - Vendor Simple Search - Prepay column not showing enough information about prepay requirements

 - Vendor Txn History - "Error: To perform the requested operation, a File Number is required." when clicking vendor charge id which does not have an AP transaction connected

 - Voucher Report - O/S prepaid checkbox not checked for pre-paid transactions

 - W5 Outlook Add-In - After entering an incorrect file # and selecting "Retry", the invalid File # is accepted

 - Web API Document Creation Error "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'W5IS_NeedToPrint', table 'dbo.W5Document'"

 - Web Referral (Review Mode) - Claimant SSN is not showing properly in all cases

 - Web Referral (Review Mode) - Service files list is not ordered meaningfully in some cases

 - Workflow - Workflows remain in the list for "Permanently Deleted Exams" until a Full Refresh occurs

 - Workflow Definition - Cannot delete non-transitional transitions

 - Workflow Definition - Create Charge Maintenance does not populate Activity code properly

 - Workflow Definition - Create Document Sub-action - When selecting to determine Use Type by Appt, upon subsequent reload of the form, it appears to not use Enhanced any longer (nor does the process action list the expected documents)

 - Workflow Definition - Workflow Class search is not working for the Create Workflow (Auto) sub-action

 - Workflow Monitor - sorting any "Time" column causes W5 to crash

 - Workflow on File - slow to transition when a Create Charge sub-action is present

 - Workflow on File - when queuing documents, if the particular template was already queued on a different file and not yet generated, the newly requested queued template would never get queued for the file on which it was being requested

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